54 years1971 - 2025
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Andrey Kotelnik went to graduate school

Pupil office box LUFK Andrey Kotelnik passed the entrance exams and enrolled in graduate school correspondence branch of the Lviv State University of Physical Culture in the field of Olympic and professional sports.

Boxers LUFK win in exactly

In Rivne has been a traditional junior boxing tournament memory' A. Yandoly memory, which was attended by athletes from Belarus, Poland and Ukraine. Good made the tournament inmates LUFK: on account of their three first, one second and one third place. Tournament winners were odynadtsyatyklasnyk Anton Kmit and desyatyklasnyky Nazar Kurotchyn and Andriy Panasyuk.
Silver award in the in-rolled to 51 kg won Igor Tymchyshyn (11 cl.), With the finals in this category was UFKs - Igor yielded A. Kmit. In third place - Jaroslav Harasymovych (11 cl.).

Glory to Ukraine! Glory to Heroes!

In the Lviv school of physical culture was the total school thematic line devoted 67 anniversary of the Ukrainian Insurgent Army. Before the students made history teacher A. Kondratyuk and guest of the College -- leader of Lviv regional organization of Ukrainian nationalists Гринюк Oleg Romanovich.

A school director Stephen Rodak said that today the UPA soldiers motto "Glory to Ukraine - the Hero of glory is the main football stadium in the Shoutbox as Lviv and Dnipropetrovsk, and Kharkiv.

Women's boxing became an Olympic

IOC Executive Board has included women's boxing in the Olympic program XXX in m.Londoni. Competitions will be held in three weight categories: 51 to 60, and 75 kg.

Результати виступу вихованців відділення боксу ЛУФК на V ЛЮСІУ

April 20-26 in the championship Chernivtsi Ukraine boxing among young

Results LUFK boxers participating in the championship of Ukraine among the young (Chernivtsi, 20-26 April 2009) Alexander Krasulya (1 year) - 2 in place of rolled up to 75 kg (won 4 victories) John Aleksandrivskyy (11 cl.) - 3 place in the in-rolled to 57 kg (2 victories) Vasily Kartashov (1 year) - 5 seats in the rolled up to 64 kg (2 victories) Alexander Krasulya a candidate for participation in the European championship among youth, who in August this year held in Poland.


Ivan Zavadskyi - winner of the Ukrainian Senior Cup


Гандболістки Львівського коледжу спорту дебютують у суперлізі національного чемпіонату


Вихованка Львівського коледжу спорту Юлія Коростильова - чемпіонка світу зі стрільби


Христина Демчук - переможниця, Дарина Зайшла та Валерія Станчева - срібні призерки чемпіонату Європи


Троє вихованців коледжу спорту візьмуть участь у молодіжному чемпіонаті Європи з фехтування


Троє вихованців коледжу спорту візьмуть участь у молодіжному чемпіонаті Європи з фехтування


Команда ЛУФК – срібний призер чемпіонату України з пляжного гандболу серед дівчат


Колектив ЛУФК вітає всіх з Різдвом Христовим!



Lviv, Knyagyni Olgy St.,1
tel: (032) 238 27 92
fax: 238 27 93


Okopnyy Andriy Mykhailovych

26.02.2025 1/8 фіналу "Кубку ДЮФЛУ 2025" ЛФКС-КАРПАТИ U-16 — АФ Рух U-16

History of Ukrainian State