54 years1971 - 2025
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Boxing : History


From 1992 to 2000 led the Department Honored coach of Ukraine M. strict.

By this time the department was prepared: ZMS-1, WCMS - 3, MS-8.

Best Athletes department: A. Kotelnik - ZMS, 5-time champion of Ukraine, European champion, 95, winner of the European Cup-99, silver medalist of the XXVII Olympic Games in Sydney. After the Olympics, A. Kotelnik moved in professional boxing;

R. Djumala - WCMS, silver medalist of World Cup 94, re ¬ zhets European Cup-99;

Yuri Zolotov - WCMS, a bronze medalist in 2001 World Cup, bronze medalist of Goodwill Games, a candidate to participate in the XXVIII Olympic Games in Athens in 2004;

K. Rovno - MC, silver medalist Euro for juniors in 2000, finalist of the junior championships of Ukraine;

T. Noga - MC 5, winner of European Championship for Cadets;

Mr Pants - MC 5, the winner of UEFA among cadets, neodnora ¬ zovyy medalist and winner of the championships of Ukraine;

B. Lipsky - MC, champion of Ukraine in 2001, winner of international tournaments;

P. Vanyk - MC, silver medalist X Jubilee Cup of Ukraine, winner of international tournaments;

R. Kovalchuk - MC, winner of international tournaments, the champion of the world's version IFVF;

A. Bordiyan - MC, repeated winner of championships of Ukraine and international tournaments.

Lviv, Knyagyni Olgy St.,1
tel: (032) 238 27 92
fax: 238 27 93


Okopnyy Andriy Mykhailovych

26.02.2025 1/8 фіналу "Кубку ДЮФЛУ 2025" ЛФКС-КАРПАТИ U-16 — АФ Рух U-16

History of Ukrainian State



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