Information for thought about the situation of TB in Ukraine ...
By data World World Health Organization (WHO), the world's annual 8.9 million registered TB patients, of which 1.7 million people died. The total number of people suffering from tuberculosis is 50-60 million. This disease takes first place in the structure of mortality from infectious and parasitic diseases. In Ukraine, the epidemic of tuberculosis has been announced in 1995. Spread of diseases among the population of Ukraine today among the highest in Europe. Hourly recorded four new cases and one death. Noted increase in the number of children and adolescents suffering from tuberculosis. Over the last decade the incidence of increased 100%. Generally over the past 15 years this figure has increased 2.4 times. Leads to the deterioration of the combination of TB with HIV infection (AIDS): one accelerates the development of another. Over 30% of HIV-infected people suffering from tuberculosis and about 40% of AIDS patients die from it. It should be noted that most deaths from this disease belongs to the ages of 15 to 44 years.
The main reasons that led to the massive spread of tuberculosis in Ukraine is in the first place, the increase in social dezadaptovanyh people in the country (beggars, vagrants, migrants, immigrants, alcoholics, HIV-infected drug addicts and others.) Irresponsible attitude to their health. Besides, ignorance, ignorance of citizens on ways to prevent TB, the importance of its timely treatment and prevention in everyday life.
In August 1993 the WHO declared TB a "global extreme danger" and day March 24 - "World Day to Combat Tuberculosis. His goal - a sanitary-educational work among the population and attracting governments to combat tuberculosis.
Tuberculosis - infectious disease caused by mycobacterium tuberculosis, flows with periodic exacerbation, relapse and remission.
Causal agent of tuberculosis quite stable in the external environment. In dry specimens mycobacterium can survive up to one year, threaded objects - A few months in the frozen meat - up to a year in oil and cheese - 9-10 months, sewage - up to 15 months in the ground - up to 2 years. Direct sunlight kills the mycobacterium within a few minutes and scattered - a few days.
The source of infectious TB is TB patients, people, animals and birds. Infection occurs airborne dust, airborne kratelnym and: by alimentary - Through food. utensils and household items. Tubercle bacillus penetrates the human body mainly through the lungs. Formed zones with mycobacterium lesion may spread through the lymphatic circulatory system is to unstruck areas and other organs.
Inconsistent or partial treatment of TB causing resistant TB, resistant to TB
drugs. When resistance (nechutlyvosti) causative agent of tuberculosis to anti-TB drugs cure only 50% of patients, 10% die, 40% of patients with tuberculosis becomes chronic course. Life expectancy of patients with chronic tuberculosis 2-5 years. When the causative agent of tuberculosis sensitivity to anti-TB drugs cure 95% of patients.
Groups at risk for tuberculosis - a group of people, which are likely to meet new cases of tuberculosis and to be under special scrutiny:
- people who use drugs and alcohol (the cause - weakening of the immune system);
- poor, homeless, refugees (reason - overcrowding, poor living conditions, unhealthy diet);
- HIV-infected (risk of tuberculosis in HIV-infected people approximately 7-10% per year, and the risk of developing TB in the case of mycobacterium infection of 10% lifelong);
- A person with a weight deficit (10% below ideal).