54 years1971 - 2025
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Rowing : history

Branch opened in 1978. While enrolled thirty people. Trainers working with them: A. Didukh senior coach - with a group of girls; E. Sagan - a group of young men in canoes, Y. Didyk - a group of young men in kayaks. Initiated by opening branches were Honored coach of Ukraine M. Hertsyk, A. Didukh, B. Frost, who prepared a whole galaxy of famous athletes of international class: P. Hreshtu, R. Hryvnyaka, R. Nagorny, R. Karbivnyka and others.
Later in the department worked Honored coach of Ukraine V. Primak and R. Kuteyko. At various times in the department of labor: V. Dets, Y. Didyk, A. Senko, M. Demetrius and others. Particularly fruitful was the work of teachers of sports V. Primak, which produced a world champion among yuniorok N. Tsyroh, member World Cup (4 seats), silver and bronze medalist L. Hayor European Cup, Champions of Europe among juniors and A. I. Sharadovsku Unicorn.
For many years headed the department honored coach of Ukraine A. Didukh. Through his exceptional organizational skills have permitted prominent successes vesluvalnykiv. Today, the department of youth coaches are Potsyurko ta.Potsyurko N. M.
Top pupils department rowing:

W. Birch - ZMS, winner of international competitions "Druzhba-84", world champion, silver and bronze medalist of the Euro;
R. Bundz - WCMS, party XXVI Olympic Games in Atlanta and the XXVII Olympics in Sydney, a multiple winner of the World Cup, World Cup participant 1995, 1997, 1999, and winner of the Championship and European Cup;
I. Kovalchuk - WCMS, a silver medalist in international competitions "Druzhba-84", 1985 World Cup participant. and international regattas;
L. Hayor - WCMS, silver medalist of the World Cup, World Cup participant, peremozhnyk and winner of international competitions, "Friendship" in 1986, 1989, 1990, silver and bronze medalist of the European Cup,
A. Tarnovsky - MC, World Cup winner and the winner among young people;
N. Tsyroh - MC, World Cup winner among young people and international competitions, "Friendship";
A. Dmitrishin - MC, winner and winner of international competitions, "Friendship" and an international regatta;
A. Unicorn - MC, member of the World Cup, UEFA Cup winner among young people;
I. Sharadovska - MC, member of the World Cup, UEFA Cup winner among young people.
V. Vergeles - WCMS, the winner and bronze medalist in Europe, bronze and silver medalist in the world juniors.
Kostyuchenko Alina -- silver medalist and Eurasian games for juniors, the winner and Championship Ukraine juniors


Lviv, Knyagyni Olgy St.,1
tel: (032) 238 27 92
fax: 238 27 93


Okopnyy Andriy Mykhailovych

History of Ukrainian State



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