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Boxing : Boxers LUFK won in Poland

4 gold, 3 silver medals and beautiful - Cup Marshal Śląskie County brought with m.Ruda Slaska, in Poland, students of the Lviv branch of boxing school physical education. From 17 to 20 December 2009. in this mining town was already XVII International boxing tournament im.Frantsishka Kika. This year the tournament in three age groups (young men, juniors, young) athletes competed with Russia, Czechia, Ukraine and Poland.
Among the youngest was not equal dev'yatyklasnyku College Alexander BunziWho won the weight class to 56kh. This is the second consecutive success Sasha. He recently won the nationwide junior tournament in Rivne.
Junior distinguished Harasymovych Rostislav (a / k to 60kg) Nehrebinchyk Nazar (66kh), took first place and Tymchyshyn Games (54kh) Vasily Davydov (52kh) Nehrebinchyk Taras (63kh), who were second.
College student Vasily Kartashov won in the youth age group in the weight category to 75kh.
LUFK team took second place, losing only to owners who took the number.


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26.02.2025 1/8 фіналу "Кубку ДЮФЛУ 2025" ЛФКС-КАРПАТИ U-16 — АФ Рух U-16

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