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Wrestling : Pupils LUFK on Wrestling World Cup 2009

 2 more branches pupils struggle LUFK finished performances at the World Cup-2009. In the weight category to 55kh Natalia Synyshyn (Issue 2005.) won the 11 place. Clearly, this failure to the Talented and is titled athletes.
10 place in weight class to graduate this year 63kh ranked and champion of Europe among young people Julia Ostapchuk. For Julia it debut at the world championships in adults.
Another pupil department wrestling Andrew Shyika 11 took place in the men's competition in the weight category to 74 kg. Andrew represented Germany.
So, generally students LUFK on the world championship in 2009 won 1 gold and 3 bronze medals. Keep it up, the office counter.

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tel: (032) 238 27 92
fax: 238 27 93


Okopnyy Andriy Mykhailovych

History of Ukrainian State



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