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Wrestling : pupil LUFK Balushka L. and L. Kohut - Bronze Championship Wrestling

At the World Championships in women's wrestling, which is in of Denmark, pupils fighting department of the Lviv School of Physical Education and Ludmila Balushka Leo Kohut took third place in weight class to 48 and 51 kg respectively. On the way to the pedestal Ludmila Balushka in 1 / 4 finals lost future champion and his "zemlyachtsi Maria Stadnik, which today supports Azerbaijan and joy in the finals for the bronze medal stronger than another Stadnyk - Jana from Khmelnytsk, who represented Great for championship UK.

Lesia Kohut in 1 / 8 finals suddenly lost future finalisttsi koreyantsi oatmeal Ok Han, and in turn stronger than comforting clashes polka Roxanne Zasinu Moldavanka and Natalia and I also climbed to third position starting pedestal.

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Okopnyy Andriy Mykhailovych

12 травня відбудеться відбір для навчання у коледжі на відділення ФУТБОЛУ для дітей 2019-2010 р.н.
Детальніше: розділ "футбол"

History of Ukrainian State



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