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Wrestling : Pupils LUFK compete for World Championship Wrestling

Coach council youth team of Ukraine has announced the names of female combat athletes who will represent our country at the World Cup 2009, which will be held September 21-28 in Dan.
Coach The National team of Ukraine in women's struggle has announced the names of the sportsmen who will represent our country at the World Cup 2009, which will be held September 21-28 in the national team of Denmark in just four pupils department wrestling Lviv School of Physical Education: Ludmila Balushka (48kh) Alexandra Kohut (51 kg), Natalka Synyshyn (55kh) and Julia Ostapchuk (63kh).
In the men's team also has a representative - a silver medalist Igor XXIX Olympiad, three times European Champion Vasyl Fedoryshyn.
Step in the national team just four pupils department wrestling Lviv School of Physical Education: Ludmila Balushka (48kh) Alexandra Kohut (51 kg), Natalka Synyshyn (55kh) and Julia Ostapchuk (a / k to 63kh).
In the men's team also has a representative - a silver medalist Igor XXIX Olympiad, three times European Champion Vasyl Fedoryshyn.

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Okopnyy Andriy Mykhailovych

12 травня відбудеться відбір для навчання у коледжі на відділення ФУТБОЛУ для дітей 2019-2010 р.н.
Детальніше: розділ "футбол"

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