In Nitra (Slovakia) from 11 until 16 November were the traditional international competitions 'Olympic Hope' shooting, which attracted young athletes from 8 countries in Central and Eastern Europe: Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Czechia, Hungary and Ukraine.
Traditionally, success in these competitions were students of the Lviv School of Physical Education. Among young people aged up to 21y. Equal no graduates this year LUFK Alexander Galkin. Alexander twice won the individual start and led to the winning team of Ukraine in shooting air rifle (right GP-6). The bronze medalist in the individual championship and the winner in the team competition among pistoletchykiv (right PP-3) a college freshman Cyril Jay. In the girls competition Martha Polishchuk 3 and 2 positions, and among yunok odynadtsyatyklasnytsya Christine Burak fifth and fourth respectively (both of exercise PP-2). The winners in the competitions in the right GP-4 among the youth age group were odynadtsyatyklasnyky College Maria Cold and Maxim Loyik.