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Luge : LUGE team LUFK took part in stage of the World Cup in Igls (Austria)

27-29 November 2009. in m.Ihlsi (Austria) took the second stage of World Cup Luge 2009/2010r.r season. The program of events took place race Cup of Nations. In these competitions were students and office Luge LUFK. Student and course Oleg Fitel Together with his partner Wynnyckyj John took place in 22 races sledge-dviyok. Behind them on the 23 place finished another piece Ukrainian Zakharko Roman (Second year) -- Senko Taras (vyp.). In the event this year among women graduate Halaydzhyan Marina at 33 positions, and student and course Polusytok Animals 43 took place.
In World Cup competitions graduate LUFK Yuriy Hayduk took place in 19 competitions and won first dviyok rating points to gain Olympic licenses.

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Okopnyy Andriy Mykhailovych

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