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Handball : UFK handball among the best!

Brovary was fourth in the final round of nationwide youth competition in handball girls 1992-1993 rr.n. UFC team won all five games and won 2 nd place.

The best goalkeeper of the tournament is recognized 9 class pupil Elizabeth Hilyazetdinova, best extreme right - 9 class pupil Natalia Volovnyk.

Technical Team UFC games results:
LDUFK: Donetsk - 36:23;

LDUFK: Zaporozhye - 31:27;

LDUFK: Kiev - 33:31;

LDUFK: Brovary - 28:27;

LDUFK: Kherson - 29:23.


Lviv, Knyagyni Olgy St.,1
tel: (032) 238 27 92
fax: 238 27 93


Okopnyy Andriy Mykhailovych

History of Ukrainian State



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