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Handball : Team LUFK - champion of Ukraine in beach handball.

In Kherson from 21 to 23 August 2009. the championship of Ukraine beach handball girls 1992/1993r.r.n. Team LUFK confidently held all games, won 5 victories and became the champion of Ukraine. The best player of the tournament is recognized odynadtsyatyklasnytsya College Irina Stelmach. Candidates to team of Ukraine on beach handball in this age group included Irina Stelmach, Maria White, Volovnyk Natal Dyachun Uliana, Sherstyuk Oles.
Team champion: I. Stelmach, M. Tymtsyurak, N. Volovnyk, M. White, B. Kosmina, U. Dyachun, S. Yaremchuk, A. Sherstyuk.
Summary of beach handball: Beach handball with'appeared about 10 years ago in Italy. Platform and the number of players in it less than in normal handball, which promotes dynamic game. Rules apply to cast the gate ball for two and even three points. All this makes the beach handball very spectacular. A significant effect of this game has in terms of advocacy and promotion of a healthy and active lifestyle. Today, beach handball cultivated in more than 40 countries. In 2008. , the first European championship in this sport. The first European champion for women was the team of Ukraine.

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Okopnyy Andriy Mykhailovych

26.02.2025 1/8 фіналу "Кубку ДЮФЛУ 2025" ЛФКС-КАРПАТИ U-16 — АФ Рух U-16

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