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Football : Football LUFK at international tournaments in Poland, Slovakia and Austria

The first traveled to Poland youngest. Team guys 1995r.n. Competed at the international tournament "Cup of Szczecin-2009" in the city of the same name. Pupils coach Pavlyuha IB in turn defeated all their rivals (in the final - masters of score 4: "to kick (osn. account 0:0) and came home with first trophies in his career - Mayor Cup.

Guys 1994r.n. (coach Dmytrasevych Ya.I.) initially participated in the tournament in Szczecin, which competed for the Cup Marshal West Pomeranian. Team U -15 won 2 meeting, the two lost once played a draw (the tournament was held in the circular system), and 4 took place. The same fourth place boys in this age group won the international tournament in Slovakia in Filin, but here their opponents were a year older.

Team 11klasu (U -16) participated in a traditional, 24th consecutive tournament "Cup of Upper Austria in Wels Austria. Pupils coach Rodina AD in the first game won the Romanian team "Cimpulung C.S.S."4:0, Italians"Abbiate Tradate"2:1, played a draw with" Turia "in the city Lanchhut (Georgia) and took first place in its group. In the ¼ finals of "UFC" suddenly given way to the Italian team "STB Academy» 2:3 and eliminated from the tournament. Now the team all four age groups are at training camps in preparation for the Championship of Ukraine among the youth teams (Premier League) season 2009/2010

Lviv, Knyagyni Olgy St.,1
tel: (032) 238 27 92
fax: 238 27 93


Okopnyy Andriy Mykhailovych

12 травня відбудеться відбір для навчання у коледжі на відділення ФУТБОЛУ для дітей 2019-2010 р.н.
Детальніше: розділ "футбол"

History of Ukrainian State



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