Fencing : Xenia Pantyelyeyeva - seventh in Slovakia
In Bratislava (Slovakia) 10-11 October 2009. passed the stage of World Cup with the junior fencing - "Memorial Martinenho. In the event shpazhystok odynadtsyatyklasnytsya LUFK Xenia Pantyelyeyeva won 7 seats and gained 14 rating points. In the Quarter Finals Xenia Italians lost Rosella F'yaminho 13:15. Freshman UFC Nastia Ivchenko left out in 1 / 32 finals and won 57 seats.
In the event rapirystok Alexandra Senyuta (Second year) to 24 positions. This is the best result among the Ukrainian athletes. Denis Ilyin (And rate) took place in the 71 fencing rapier juniors.