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Fencing : Results of speech fencer LUFK stage of the youth World Cup in Leszno

In m.Leshno (Poland) 27-30 November 2009. was the next stage of the Youth World Cup season 2009/2010r.r. Among the students performance results rapirystiv department fencing LUFK following:
- Senyuta Alexander (Second room) - 28m.
- Lozinska Martha (Second room) - 84m.
- Denis Ilyin (And K.) - 70m.
In the event attended by athletes from 14 countries worldwide.

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Okopnyy Andriy Mykhailovych

26.02.2025 1/8 фіналу "Кубку ДЮФЛУ 2025" ЛФКС-КАРПАТИ U-16 — АФ Рух U-16

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